Paolo Astori's Latest News

December 2024
Paolo Astori gains ISO 14064 accreditation fo Carbon Footprint
December 2024
Paolo Astori gains ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 accreditations
April 2023
Paolo Astori completes additional qualifications for the F35 ( JSF) Please contact Alex Heath for more details.
April 2023
Paolo Astori gains NADCAP accreditation for Fluid Distribution Systems as part of its ongoing development of capabilities to support the aerospace fittings market.
March 2023
As part of its ongoing efforts to decarbonise and meet its ESG goals, Paolo Astori has completed the installation of a second solar farm adjacent to the factory meaning the companies’ electricity requirements are now met by 100% green technologies.
December 2022
Paolo Astori is now an approved source on NAS9926 and MS14182 for Bell Helicopter.
December 2022
Paolo Astori completes additional BACN qualifications with the Boeing Company. Please contact Alex Heath for more details.
October 2022
Paolo Astori Spa is pleased to announce the acquisition of long standing supplier partner Sercas SRL. CEO Giampaolo Campagnoli commented “Sercas SRL is a leading supplier of sheet metal parts to the aerospace industry and the acquisition will accelerate Paolo Astori’s entry into this marketplace. We are excited about the integration of the Sercas into Paolo Astori and the immediate multi million euro investment into further capacity expansion.”
July 2022
Paolo Astori Spa breaks ground on construction of an additional 50,000 sq ft facility to support the growth of the business bringing the total space to 500,000 sq ft. The building is due to be completed by August 2023 and will contain the very latest technology & automation for the production of the highest quality aerospace fasteners to serve our worldwide customer base.
June 2022
In line with ESG principles, Paolo Astori Spa is pleased to announce the construction of a solar farm in order to neutralize our environmental impact and respond effectively to customer concerns and expectations.
June 2022
Paolo Astori Spa completes a number of additional ST3M qualifications in support of Boeing Military’s F18 program.
May 2020
Paolo Astori achieves Pratt & Whitney’s LCS approval. CEO Max Campagnoli commented “This shows our commitment to the Aero-Engine as well as airframe sector and we are very excited about the potential that this sector of the fastener market represents. We now have qualifications at the all the major engine OEMs and are keen to expand our footprint further.
April 2020
Paolo Astori complete qualification of a number of BACN families with the Boeing Company.
March 2020
Paolo Astori completes qualification of a number of new families for Airbus.
February 2020
Paolo Astori complete qualification of a number of BACN families with the Boeing Company.
January 2020
Paolo Astori completes qualification of a number of metric and imperial threaded fastener families to support production requirements of the F/A 18 at at Boeing St Louis’ facility.
November 2019
Paolo Astori signs a new contract with Airbus to start in January 2021 which doubles the existing scope of work package previously awarded.
October 2019
Paolo Astori complete qualification of a number of BACN families with the Boeing Company.
August 2019
Paolo Astori complete qualification of a number of families for Bell Helicopter.
February 2019
Paolo Astori complete qualification of a number of families for Bell Helicopter.
January 2019
Paolo Astori complete qualification of a number of fasteners for SAFRAN Aircraft Engines.
October 2018
Paolo Astori completes several qualifications of AS standards in support of our growing aero-engine business sector. Please contact Alex Heath for further information
Paolo Astori receives Nadcap Merit Status for Chemical Processes and NDT.
Sept 2018
Paolo Astori gains more qualifications on the Lockheed Martin JSF. CEO Max Campagnoli commented " We are very proud to continue and extend Paolo Astori's association with the JSF and its international partners."
August 2018
Paolo Astori is qualified on a number of structural fasteners for Bell Helicopter.
July 2018
Paolo Astori is now making MS standard and proprietary gang channel for OEMs in the USA and EMEA.
Jan 2018
Paolo Astori's latest building is completed and launched with the opening of a fully automated warehouse bringing the total footprint of the facility to 425,000 sq ft.
June 2017
Paolo Astori gains approval on a number of new BACN standards for Boeing.
More approvals are planned for 2017 and into 2018.
Please contact Alex Heath for more information.
April 2017
Paolo Astori gains approval on its first series for the JSF
Please contact Alex Heath for more information.
May 2016
Paolo Astori is approved by Boeing on the BACN11G Series.
Paolo Astori is approved by Bombardier on the B0204080 Series.
March 2016
Paolo Astori is approved by Bombardier on the following part series:
B0204064 B0204065 B0204076 B0204077 B0204085
More qualifications are planned for 2016 and 2017.
February 2016
Paolo Astori adds to its extensive number of Airbus approvals on a range of MS/NAS/ABS & NSA standards.
January 2016
Paolo Astori continues its extensive investment program which has seen more than 20,000,000 USD invested over the last 4 years in facility expansion to 325,000 sq ft.
January 2016
Paolo Astori expands product portfolio adding several ABS/NSA Airbus standards.
November 2015
Paolo Astori gains Boeing qualification on the following part series:
More qualifications are planned for 2016 and 2017.
October 2013
Paolo Astori is now listed as an approved supplier in the COMAC QPL for the C919 program. Please see our certificate of approval on the website for more details.
July 2013
Paolo Astori is now an approved supplier to Rolls Royce. Our Approval number is 119750/01
June 2013
Paolo Astori is now NADCAP approved for NDT.
March 2013
Adding to the approvals gained in 2011, Paolo Astori has now been approved on a much broader range of MS/NAS hex nuts and nut plates by Bell Helicopter.
October 2012
Paolo Astori is now approved on a number of part numbers for the Lockheed Martin F16 program.
October 2012
Paolo Astori is further increasing capacity & broadening capability with the construction of a multi-million euro purpose built factory on a greenfield site adjacent to the existing space of 100,000 sq ft. The new building is intended to come online in Q1 2014 and has the potential to double existing capacity should it be required. Max Campagnoli, CEO commented “We are very excited about what the future holds for the aerospace industry and Paolo Astori is 100% committed to being ahead of the curve with investment in people, technology & capacity to support our customers”.
July 2012
Paolo Astori adds significant additional capacity to support the rapid growth of the company.
December 2011
Paolo Astori is now an approved supplier at Boeing Defence Space & Security’s Rotorcraft Systems facility in Philadelphia.
December 2011
Paolo Astori becomes an approved supplier to Spirit Aerosystems helping to support Airbus, Bombardier & Gulfstream programs amongst others.
August 2011
Paolo Astori successfully passes an audit by Gulfstream Aerospace Corp and is now a fully approved supplier.
June 2011
Paolo Astori further increases the range of parts approved for Lockheed Martin Marietta led programs.
June 2011
Paolo Astori's entry into the aero engine sector is finalized with the signing of a multi-million dollar 5 year LTA.
May 2011
Paolo Astori Receives Bell Helicopter Approval on a range of standards.
September 2010
Paolo Astori receives approval from the US Defence Logistics Agency and is now a member of the Qualified Suppliers List of Manufacturer's for class 3 threaded fasteners able to support all our US distribution partners with our hardware.